Our Pathway to Electrification

The ACT is preparing to electrify our city and transition away from the use of fossil fuel gas by 2045. An all-electric Canberra will allow us to power our city, homes, businesses, and transport in a cleaner and cheaper way.

About the transition

The ACT is committed to phasing out fossil fuel gas by 2045 at the latest. Our plan to transition is to electrify our city where possible and explore the potential for a renewable gas market where electrification is not a good option.

Over the next 20 years, Canberrans will gradually transition their homes and businesses off fossil fuel gas to avoid higher bills and make more savings.

This pathway gives ACT residents help to start planning for the transition and commencing the switch. We are asking people in the ACT to consider making their next choice electric.

Key reasons

The key reasons for transitioning away from fossil fuel gas use are:

  • The environment: Fossil-fuel gas is the second largest greenhouse gas emissions source in the ACT. It accounts for 20% of our overall emissions.
  • Costs: The cost of natural gas has been going up over the last several years. Prices are expected to increase over time.
  • Savings: The Government has several programs available that offer incentives to assist with the upfront costs of energy efficient electric appliances. Using rooftop solar and battery storage will also enable ACT energy consumers to save money over time.

Community engagement

We recognise that this decision is significant. This important step will help ACT households and businesses embrace sustainable alternatives to fossil fuel gas and have better access to affordable, secure, reliable, and safe supply of energy.

We will be engaging directly with stakeholders and the community to ensure a fair and equitable transition.

We want you to help us develop a regulation to prevent new gas network connections in the ACT.

An Issues Paper is now available on YourSay Conversations and we are seeking community views to better understand the impacts of the potential implementation options of the regulation.

You can also explore specific information for:

Why it’s important

Fossil fuel gas accounts for more than 20% of emissions in the ACT. Transitioning off fossil fuel gas is important in achieving net-zero emissions by 2045. Encouraging and supporting the update of efficient all-electric appliances will help the ACT achieve this goal.

More information

Powering Canberra, an online resource hub, has been prepared to help the ACT community plan and begin to transition their homes and businesses off fossil fuel:

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Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Ngunnawal people as traditional custodians of the ACT and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region. We acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region.